Hi! I’m Kat, and online I go by Kdove.
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Cybersecurity with a plethora of experience in CTFs and personal projects, which I plan on putting here.
This site is where I’ll be putting… well… everything! I want to use it as a knowledge base, as well as a blog and porfolio. Below are going to be some of my links that I think you should be aware of.
# Resume
First, I want to direct you to my resume here.
# Social Media
Here are my primary socials:
Here is my Gravatar and my pronouns page:
Here is where all my projects and random coding stuff goes:
# Contact
I encourage anyone looking to ask further questions to click below. It will redirect you to my Linkedin, where we can connect. Feel free to send me a message if you’re wondering anything! Hopefully this website will give you plenty of information about my interests and such, but if not, I am more than willing to speak with anyone! I will also provide my email below!